Our Company

This is our Fabric Tablecloths Blog!! To see our website for more details, go to http://FabricTablecloths.com/. We also sell aprons and you can view our website at http://BishopAprons.com/.

At our company, we offer standard and custom tablecloths in cotton, polyester, waterproof vinyl, and water resistant fabrics. Our customers are individuals, companies, restaurants, churches, schools, organizations and many brides. Customer services is of the utmost importance to us and our products are of a quality that keeps our many satisfied customers returning.

We can make single items as well as large quantities, for which we offer discounts. We Digitally print, Screenprint, or Embroider logos and text on our polyester cloths. Thanks for visiting our blog, we are so excited that you have come to visit and we encourage you to look at our websites!